Red Star Camp UK 2025 - Register Now!
Red Star Basketball Camp UK 2025 will take place from Monday 28th July until Saturday 2nd August.
Red Star Camp UK 2025 is officially SOLD OUT! You can join the waiting list now by completing this form.
The prices for Red Star Basketball Camp UK 2025 are as follows:
Residential Campers - £625
Non-Residential Campers - £425​​
You can choose to pay the balance in full, or split the cost over 7 equal monthly payments.
To get a deeper insight into what we offer as a camp, head to our insragram and facebook pages:
Once you have completed the sign-up form, your application will be reviewed by our team and once accepted, you will be sent an invoice for the payment amount you have requested. Sign-up is not complete until this initial invoice is paid.
All requests for rooming next to friends/teammates can be made through our requests form which is sent to all campers 1 month prior to open of camp.
Thank you for your interest - We hope to see you in 2025!