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Nationwide officiating camp returns to Red Star Camp UK

James Quinn

Red Star Basketball Camp UK is delighted to announce that the Candobasketball Nationwide Officials Camp will once again run alongside Red Star in 2024.

The Candobasketball Nationwide Referees Camp is a residential camp that takes place in conjunction with Red Star Basketball Camp UK. The camp offers focused learning and development for officials covering a wide range of topics in a classroom and on-court environment. Referees will officiate camp games each day and receive feedback on game performance to aid their learning and development. This year there will also be a table officials camp where delegates will have the choice to attend a day session or multiple day sessions. The Camp supports Basketball England's objective to develop officials and identify talent, and is an opportunity for individuals to showcase their skills and improve their craft as officials.

This year's officials camp will see an illustrious line-up of tutors, who's experience extends over many years working at the highest level. Directed by former Euroleague Senior Director of Officiating, Richard Stokes and former Euroleague Technical Adviser, Alan Richardson, the camp will also be supported by high-class instructors who have accrued vast experience both domestically and internationally. This includes Kate Unsworth, Eduard Urdanskyy, Roger Harrison and Paul Walton.

Both the referees and table officials camps are designed for and targeted to aspiring Level 3 and 4 referees, and aspiring Level 3 and 4 Table officials, while also welcoming applications from oversees referees.

Simon Unsworth, Basketball England Delivery Manager for Officiating, will provide support and oversight from a National Governing Body perspective and was supportive of a project and programme which will contribute to the growth and development of the British Basketball refereeing fraternity:

"Nationwide Referee Camp is a unique experience which can only be appreciated once attended. The attention that you receive as a delegate referee, with the degree of regular education and games refereed, in a 5 day period, is one that leaves you going home a better and more inspired referee."

Candobasketball Nationwide Camp founder and instructor, Alan Richardson has been running the camp since 1993 and was more excited than ever to continue his legacy of developing officials both domestically and internationally:

"Since I experienced at first hand these types of teaching camps in the USA some years ago, I wanted to run something similar for referees on this side of the Atlantic. We have been part of the development of a huge number of referees that have gone on to excel at national and international level, both here in the UK and overseas. We are proud of what we have helped officials achieve in the last 30 years."

The quality of the contributors across the piece is buoyed by the addition of Richard Stokes as Camp Director, following an illustrious officiating career including ten years at both FIBA and the Euroleague:

"The format of this camp, and the experiences and insights that the instructors can share with the referees, makes it unique. It’s great that we can work with referees of all levels and experiences to help them fulfil their potential and reach their goals, and the Leeds Camp gives us a great opportunity to do that.”

The partnership between the Nationwide Referees Camp and Red Star Basketball Camp UK only increases the value of the experience for our campers, with camp games benefiting from a cohort of officials driving to improve their craft.

Red Star Camp Director Matt Newby was steadfast on the importance of this aspect of the Red Star experience:

"Critically, the opportunity to contribute towards the development of an aspect of our game, which is currently a priority for the National Governing Body and the broader fraternity is important, and the camp is a platform to help develop and improve inspiring officials. The calibre of the staff that Alan Richardson and Richard Stokes have assembled, and the respective careers that each of them have had, will ensure that the candidates have the very best experience. The Red Star Basketball Camp climate affords the officials the opportunity to interrogate their own abilities, receive support and mentorship from high-calibre experts within the game, and become part of a fraternity which is integral to the evolution of the game domestically.

Aspiring officials who wish to sign up to the camp can do so by CLICKING HERE.

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